
What we do here

Bee Heard Marketing is a one stop shop for all your digital marketing needs! SEO, Facebook Ads, Lead Generation, Chatbots, Website Development, Messenger Marketing, Social Media Management, Google Adwords, Email Marketing, Strategy, Scaling, and anything else you can think of.

We start by finding out what our clients need help with most. Instead of just selling you on a service, we really listen to what you are struggling with and find a solution to that problem.

Every single company is different and ran by different people. No one marketing tactic can work for everyone, that’s why we start with a high energy, brainstorm strategy session. Dive in deep to what is actually going on in your business and what the logical next step is. We attack all pain points and shoot for as much automation as possible, leaving your time for bigger picture stuff. Once everything is planned out, we execute and the results you’re looking for start rolling in. The last step is basically finding out what’s working the best and constantly refining and duplicating those processes.

“Instead of just selling you on a service, we really listen to what you are struggling with and find a solution to that problem.”


what we believe in

Bee Heard Marketing is a one stop shop for all your digital marketing needs! SEO, Facebook Ads, Lead Generation, Chatbots, Website Development, Messenger Marketing, Social Media Management, Google Adwords, Email Marketing, Strategy, Scaling, and anything else you can think of.

We start by finding out what our clients need help with most. Instead of just selling you on a service, we really listen to what you are struggling with and find a solution to that problem.

Every single company is different and ran by different people. No one marketing tactic can work for everyone, that’s why we start with a high energy, brainstorm strategy session. Dive in deep to what is actually going on in your business and what the logical next step is. We attack all pain points and shoot for as much automation as possible, leaving your time for bigger picture stuff. Once everything is planned out, we execute and the results you’re looking for start rolling in. The last step is basically finding out what’s working the best and constantly refining and duplicating those processes.

“Instead of just selling you on a service, we really listen to what you are struggling with and find a solution to that problem.”

My reason

how it all started

how it

all started

“My entire body filled up with pure terror as I’m looking into this lady’s eyes, laying on the ground next to my truck, screaming that she had just been run over…

5:00 PM on a Thursday. It was mid-August. It was the perfect temperature in Metro Detroit that day. My wife, she was in the most excruciating pain of her entire life, sitting in a little pool in our tiny little condo ready to push out our new baby boy, Rivers.

5:15 PM you hear that cry, of my beautiful new baby boy. In that instant, tears erupted from my eyes. Of course, it was the happiest day of my life. I became a new father ,but deep down this crippling fear set in and I started telling myself, Ryan, you’re an adult now. You need to start acting like it. You need to start providing, you know, you need to do something that’s… that’s better than what you’re doing now.


I knew that some big changes needed to be made. Immediately my thought was, ‘Money’. I need more money. I want to give my wife and my kids and my future kids everything they wanted. So if my wife was like “Hey, we need to go get this or do that”, I’d be “Okay, let’s go do it. I got the money, let’s go do it.


Honestly, internally and deep down, I had this burning desire… all I really wanted was for my family to be proud of me. I just wanted them to see me as someone to look up to. “That’s my dad” or “That’s my husband.” I guess all I really wanted was their approval.

So fast forward a couple months later, I’m at my new well-paying job.

  • 3:30 AM – Alarm’s BLARING!
  • 4:15 AM – On the way to work…
  • 5:00 AM – Jump in brand new garbage truck.
  • 6:00 PM – Get home (Newborn son asleep already)…
  • 6:30 PM – Eat
  • 7:00 PM – Sleep
  • Repeat Six Days A Week

I was a roll off drivers. So basically the guys that go around picking up big dumpsters at businesses. I was able to buy all the cool new stuff. I had money coming in, anything they wanted, I started buying. We got a whole new expensive couch set. I bought a brand new Imac, it’s a great computer. I got all the stuff I thought I wanted. I mean it was all the money I could ask for. Right?

Well, it was like two months into the new job. It’s kind of a chilly June morning. It was bright out and not a cloud in the sky. It was around 8:30-9:00 in the morning.

As I went to back into this gas station to grab a snack, my new world kind of got turned upside down.

My  backup beepers are screaming. My truck’s going a sluggish three miles per hour. I have my windows down. Radio was off. I’m checking my mirrors, I’m doing everything I’m supposed to do. And I heard a sentence that is the most horrifying thing you can hear as a truck driver. “Stop, stop! You hit her!”

My entire body filled up with pure terror as I’m looking into this lady’s eyes, laying on the ground next to my truck, screaming that she had just been run over…

I’m not sure if I actually hit her or if this was some sort of scam, but when it happened, I was shook. I didn’t know what to do, my whole world just went crazy for a while. I called the ambulance, the ambulance came and took her off. The whole point of this is my new life, that I thought I wanted and the money that I wanted, it just came crashing down. I got fired. I had to go back to my old job, my old life. Six days after that incident happened I get a letter in the mail and now I’m being sued. On top of that I’m quickly being buried alive under this new pile of bills…

I was down for a couple of months. I didn’t want to get out of bed, but with all these new bills, was forced to work longer hours than ever before. At least I was already familiar with not seeing my kid much…

Then one day, I don’t know, my boss, he was just yelling at me for something stupid. I don’t think it was about anything I even did, but I was getting blamed somehow. And finally it just popped in my head and I got more confidence. I’m like “You know what? I need to quit and I need to start my own online business. I need to be my own boss.” And that was my plan.

Viola! Just like that I decided to start my own business…well businesses as most of them failed. I learned a great lesson making these mistakes, Marketing is Business! You can’t have a business without marketing. I fell in love with it and realized that marketing is my business!

And I mean it was great. I was getting clients. The leads that I was promising them were coming, but they weren’t converting any of the leads. They were always waiting weeks to call these people and then I’m getting blamed now, you know, I’m giving you ‘crappy leads’. I started feeling lost again…

Upset and ready to give up again and go back to the old place ,my beautiful wife with her wisdom, simply said “You are just running into a little problem. You just have to solve the problem. Change things up and do something a little bit different.” And it hit me, I needed to start finding out what my clients needed help with most. Instead of just selling them on a service, really listen to what they are struggling with and find a solution to that problem. In this case I knew they needed a chatbot to help nurture leads for them.

Now chatbots are kind of like having the best secretary in the entire world, working for you for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And that secretary lives on coffee and red bull! They can handle most tasks thrown at it. Of course they can be used to automate FAQs and give out contact info ,but chatbots and messenger marketing together become a very powerful tool. Everyone should take advantage of messenger marketing. So a bot was implemented and they actually started getting some conversions.

Everything started heading in the right direction. I was finally running a profitable online business. I was happy and making some money. Then the best thing happened, I came to the realization that the money that I desired to get my family to be proud of me, they didn’t care about that at all. All they wanted was me. They just wanted some more time with me. And now it’s like I get to grow up with my kids instead of hearing about it from their mom on the sidelines. 

Now working from home I’m focused on helping other local business owners bring in the leadsautomate processes, and free up time for themselves…

I’m not sure if I actually hit her or if this was some sort of scam, but when it happened, I was shook. I didn’t know what to do, my whole world just went crazy for a while. I called the ambulance, the ambulance came and took her off. The whole point of this is my new life, that I thought I wanted and the money that I wanted, it just came crashing down. I got fired. I had to go back to my old job, my old life. Six days after that incident happened I get a letter in the mail and now I’m being sued. On top of that I’m quickly being buried alive under this new pile of bills…

I was down for a couple of months. I didn’t want to get out of bed, but with all these new bills, was forced to work longer hours than ever before. At least I was already familiar with not seeing my kid much…

Then one day, I don’t know, my boss, he was just yelling at me for something stupid. I don’t think it was about anything I even did, but I was getting blamed somehow. And finally it just popped in my head and I got more confidence. I’m like “You know what? I need to quit and I need to start my own online business. I need to be my own boss.” And that was my plan.

Viola! Just like that I decided to start my own business…well businesses as most of them failed. I learned a great lesson making these mistakes, Marketing is Business! You can’t have a business without marketing. I fell in love with it and realized that marketing is my business!

And I mean it was great. I was getting clients. The leads that I was promising them were coming, but they weren’t converting any of the leads. They were always waiting weeks to call these people and then I’m getting blamed now, you know, I’m giving you ‘crappy leads’. I started feeling lost again…

Upset and ready to give up again and go back to the old place ,my beautiful wife with her wisdom, simply said “You are just running into a little problem. You just have to solve the problem. Change things up and do something a little bit different.” And it hit me, I needed to start finding out what my clients needed help with most. Instead of just selling them on a service, really listen to what they are struggling with and find a solution to that problem. In this case I knew they needed a chatbot to help nurture leads for them.

Now chatbots are kind of like having the best secretary in the entire world, working for you for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And that secretary lives on coffee and red bull! They can handle most tasks thrown at it. Of course they can be used to automate FAQs and give out contact info ,but chatbots and messenger marketing together become a very powerful tool. Everyone should take advantage of messenger marketing. So a bot was implemented and they actually started getting some conversions.

Everything started heading in the right direction. I was finally running a profitable online business. I was happy and making some money. Then the best thing happened, I came to the realization that the money that I desired to get my family to be proud of me, they didn’t care about that at all. All they wanted was me. They just wanted some more time with me. And now it’s like I get to grow up with my kids instead of hearing about it from their mom on the sidelines. 

Now working from home I’m focused on helping other local business owners bring in the leadsautomate processes, and free up time for themselves…

Contact Info

Bee Heard Marketing

Thanks for checking out the site! Any questions or help with projects needed just fill out the form on our contact page!

Copyright 2019 – Ryan Hasiak, BeeHeard Marketing – All Rights Reserved

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